I have had the privilege of being a teacher in my early career; and of working with dozens of schools across several states as Associate Research Scientist with the Yale University, Child Study Center through the Comer School Development Program. These experiences have alerted me to the major and varied challenges faced by parents, schools and communities, as they struggle to raise successful l young people who can manage their lives well.
In addition to my work, I gained exposure to the latest research on how relationships and the environment can affect children’s learning, health and ability to manage themselves, through my participation in numerous lectures and programs primarily at the Yale University School of Medicine. We now know that children’s environments greatly influence what they do and who they become. Therefore, helping to build Best Chance Communities by applying what we know to what we do has become a passion for me.
Through SCEPTAR, we are providing services and resources in partnership with educators, parents, students and policymakers, to make available specific current knowledge on how (a) relationships between and among adults and children, (b) the places where children live and attend school, and (c) mass media and social media all affect learning, health and behavior. The purpose is to promote the empowerment of individuals and groups to improve and manage their lives well; improving outcomes for themselves and their children. We believe that each person can do something wherever she is, wherever he is.